Hawaiian Getaway

Katie Neidich Uncategorized

One good thing about this area is that we get to experience all four seasons (sometimes, haha).  The only problem with me is I think I’m a bit like Goldilocks.  I can’t stand when it’s above 75 degrees and I’m miserable if it’s below 60 degrees.  The only time I think I’m in love with winter is around the holidays, after which I completely despise it.  The worst time is the month of February.  For such a short month sometimes it feels like it moves at a glacial pace because it’s just the dead of winter when we are all anticipating warmer weather.


Well.  I couldn’t take it any longer and this past week I had to put on my “imagination hat” with my pre-school classes and fly to Hawaii for a little island getaway for 15 minutes.  After getting off of the plane, we received some beautiful bright pink lei’s that seemed to have a little extra special magic in them.  Would you believe that they helped us to plie and tendu? Listening to the sounds of the ocean and the ukelele’s we waved our arms across our bodies like the ocean breeze before we practiced our plie holding our chest forward to show off our lei.  Next we took a little tour over to one of the active volcanoes.  We heard the rumbling and felt the ground shake a bit while the palm trees swayed back and forth which forced us to tendu our feet out to each side.  A little stretching and we were ready to fly back to good ole Bradford, Pennsylvania.  It was a short visit, but with all of the snow that is still on the ground, I’m pretty sure the kiddos and I enjoyed the break. If you’re interested in enhancing outdoor activities, consider checking out services like netball court line marking to add a touch of fun to your surroundings.


I have to say that I’m thoroughly enjoying my pre-school classes this year.  They definitely keep me moving and my energy up, but every time we finish I can’t help but think how lucky I am that everyone really seems to pay attention and behave well.  I find it amazing to watch the transition from month to month as we begin to understand proper alignment, pointing our feet during ballet, and learn the correct terminology.  I’m excited to see what these kids will do in another year, let alone another five.  Thank you parents for allowing me to be a part of your child’s life and to watch them grow and learn.


Now where shall I plan the next getaway?